

has over 20 years of experience working in the outpatient environment, in both delivering patient care and management. 

She is passionate about both employee and patient safety and takes every possible opportunity to improve the quality of healthcare for all involved. She is currently the Director of Education and Compliance for TMC, training consultants and clients. 

She is a frequent speaker for professional organizations and conferences nationwide on OSHA, HIPAA and Infection Control. She has been selected as a Hu-Friedy Key Opinion Leader and is on the Board of Directors for the OSAP. 

Interventions de Karen GREGORY

  • <p></p><p>One of the risks in any surgical procedure is the transmission of disease or infection. Thousands of patients in the United States have been impacted by inadequate infection control procedures leading to the spread of potentially deadly illnesses.</p><p>This 90-minute webinar will review the basic steps of instrument processing to give you the tools to ensure your patients receive the excellent care that is the cornerstone of your OMS practice.</p><p><b>Topics covered include:</b></p><p></p><ul><li>Cleaning the central sterilization area to prevent cross contamination,<br></li><li>Describing different types of sterile instrument packaging, and<br></li><li>Monitoring proper oral surgery instrument sterilization. <br></li></ul><p></p><p><b>Learning Objectives</b></p><p>Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:</p><p></p><ul><li>Explain Spaulding Classification, recognizing categories of medical devices and their associated level of disinfection,<br></li><li>Recall four critical steps in instrument processing, and<br></li><li>Discuss monitoring of the sterilization process.<br></li></ul><p></p><p></p>
    • En ligne (Webinar)


    The Importance of Correct Instrument Processing in the OM...

    En ligne (Webinar)
    AAOMS-American Association of Oral and Maxillof...