Michelle STRANGE


Interventions de Michelle STRANGE

  • <p>Guided Biofilm Therapy has been a game-changer for systematically approaching patient care. In the wake of this pandemic, when we return to patient care, there may be a feeling of wanting to hand scale only to prevent aerosols.  However, this is the time to look at aerosol protocols and come back stronger. Utilizing the systematic approach to GBT will help adequately assess the patients, and help continue the best standard of care while preventing hand fatigue from hand scaling only.  In this presentation we will discuss why GBT is a great way to manage biofilm, the ways to control the aerosols including types of HVE, the need for backflow prevention, and proper PPE and environmental infection control protocols.<br><br></p><ul><li>Discuss the steps of Guided Biofilm Management for patient treatment</li><li>Discuss proper HVE for the dental facility</li><li>Understand how backflow prevention may be necessary for use during low and high volume evacuation</li><li>Discuss current PPE for procedures with aerosol production</li></ul>
    • En ligne (Webinar)


    Biofilm Management in the Wake of a Pandemic

    En ligne (Webinar)
    WSP - Western Society of Periodontology