Dr Ulrich VOLZ

Médecin chirurgien maxillo-facial

Constance, Allemagne


Founder President of the ISMI — International Society of Metal-Free Implantology, and founder of the Bodensee Zahnklinik and Tagesklinik in Konstanz, Germany. In 2001, he developed the first market-ready ceramic implant and was also the one who developed the SDS Swiss Dental Solutions’ ceramic implant system for a wide range of indications.
Thanks to his pioneering achievements, he is arguably the one of the most experienced and well-known biological dentist in Europe, and has developed unique treatment methods and surgery concepts which only became possible through the concurrent use of biological and immunological enhancement protocols. His treatment successes, publications, and international talks have sparked a new trend in dentistry and led to the fact that a large percentage of his patients are themselves dentists, doctors, and non-medical practitioners. He currently leads the biological dentistry department in the SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland.

Interventions de Dr Ulrich VOLZ

  • <p><b>La 7ème edition du Congrès de l'Académie Internationale d'Implantologie Céramique se tiendra à San Diego aux USA du 15 au 17 F<b>é</b>vrier 2018.  Le programme sera constitué d'ateliers et de conférences animés par les plus grands experts en implantologie sans métal et disciplines associées. Les principaux acteurs du secteur biocéramique implantaire et dentaire seront représentés parmi nos exposants et nos sponsors. De nouvelles techniques, procédures et technologies seront présentées et pour la première fois, les avantages de l'ozonothérapie et de la chirurgie biologique seront présentés dans le contexte de l'implantologie sans metal. Cet événement sera unique, notre thème pour 2018 est «Les Implants Céramiques - L'avenir est là». Venez  participer car nous avons hâte de vous voir à San Diego.</b></p><p><i>The 7th World Congress of the International Academy of Ceramic Implantology will be three days of workshops and lectures by the foremost experts in metal free implantology and related modalities. The top industry players from the manufacturing to the dental laboratory will be represented among our exhibitors and sponsors. Novel techniques, procedures and technologies will be showcased and presented by our panel of world experts. For the first time in any event the benefits of ozone therapy and biological surgery will be presented. As our previous programs, this is going to be a unique event, our theme for 2018 is " Ceramic Implants -The Future is Here"  and will be entirely dedicated to 21st century implantology.  Plan to attend and we look forward to seeing you in San Diego.</i><br></p><p></p>
    • San Diego, CA, États-Unis
    • 1775 East Mission Bay Drive


    7ème Congrès International d'Implantologie Céramique

    San Diego, CA, États-Unis
    IAOCI - International Academy of Ceramic Implan...