Dr Pascal MAGNE



Dr. Pascal Magne was born in La Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland) in 1966. He grew up and followed his primary education in Neuchâtel then moved to Geneva where he graduated in dentistry in 1989 and completed a Doctoral Thesis in 1992. He taught and continued his postgraduate education in Prosthodontics and Operative Dentistry at the University of Geneva until 1997. 

Awarded with major grants by the Swiss Science Foundation, the Swiss Foundation for Medical-Biological Grants, and the International Association for Dental Research, he spent two years as a full-time research scholar in Biomaterials and Biomechanics at the University of Minnesota between 1997 and 1999. Back at the University of Geneva, he received his PhD degree in 2002 and served as Senior Lecturer from 1999 to 2004. 

Since February 2004, he became Associate Professor at the University of Southern California (USC, Los Angeles) where he also serves as Director of the Center for Esthetic Dentistry. He is the author of the textbook -- "Bonded Porcelain Restorations" (Quintessence Publishing, 2002), as well as clinical and research articles on esthetics and adhesive dentistry and is frequently invited to lecture on these topics. 

Interventions de Dr Pascal MAGNE

  • <p></p> <p><br></p> <p></p> <p></p>
    • Bruxelles, Belgique
    • Mont des Arts


    CIDAE 2022

    Bruxelles, Belgique
    b-Smile Dental Organisation asbl
  • <p>This course will be an intense lecture program for all practitioners wishing to upgrade their skills in anterior bonded restorations using direct composite resins and indirect porcelain veneers. An update on aesthetic posterior bonded restoration will also be given during the the second day. Although bonded ceramics seem to represent the ultimate biologic, functional, mechanical and aesthetic restoration for compromised anterior teeth, the number of ultraconservative treatment strategies and materials continues to grow. </p><p>The practitioner is faced with many aesthetic treatment modalities and products. The major disadvantage of this evolution is that it becomes increasingly difficult to make the appropriate choices in a given clinical situation. The availability of various treatment alternatives often allows for selection of an approach that conserves the maximum amount of intact tissue and which complies with the biomimetic principle. Treatment options should always first include the simplest procedures such as chemical treatments and freehand composites and then progress toward more sophisticated approaches such as laminate veneers and full coverage crowns only when required. </p><p>The same dilemmas exist in the posterior dentition (direct vs. indirect) but it is this case that there is a growing indication for the use of semi-(in) direct CAD/CAM techniques, the advantages of which will be discussed and illustrated with clinical and research works.  Mimic natural beauty and morphology What to expect: Determine which clinical situations can be addressed with ceramic veneering or can be approached with ultraconservative techniques, combining bleaching and direct application of composite resins. </p><p>The course will review materials and step by step procedure in direct and indirect bonding, tooth preparation and luting procedure including CAD/CAM techniques in the posterior dentition.<br></p>
    • Singapour, Singapour
    • Level 4, Orchid Ballroom 10 Bayfront Avenue 10 Bayfront Avenue


    An Update on Aesthetic Anterior & Posterior Bonded Restor...

    Singapour, Singapour
    Dental ED China