Dr. Mario Alonso Puig is a M.D. Specialist in General Surgery, a fellow in surgery
at Harvard University Medical School, and has dedicated much of his life to
investigating how to unleash human potential, especially in times of challenge,
uncertainty, and change. He has been teaching courses, conferences and
working with management teams for more than 20 years to enhance human
capacities such as leadership, teamwork, change management, health, well-
being, happiness, communication, creativity and innovation.
Dr. Puig has spent many years researching and studying how current
knowledge in fields such as Medicine, Neuroscience and Positive Psychology
can be applied to personal and professional leadership.
Trained in Mind-Body Medicine and Positive Psychology at Harvard University,
he has deepened his knowledge of the bases of communication, influence and
learning. As a result, he has developed a series of methodologies and
strategies that help to deploy the energy, health. Motivation and creative
potential of individuals and teams.
Dr. Puig has been collaborating with both national and international companies
and has also collaborates as a professor in various institutions.
Author of 11 books.
Interventions de Dr Mario ALONSO PUIG

Mis Global Conférence 360°