British Society of Periodontology - Annual Conference 2019

Is this the Modern Way?

Langue :

Du 24 au 26 Avril 2019


97-99 Kings Road BN1 2FW Brighton and Hove Royaume-Uni

Organisé par

BSP - British Society of Periodontology
Voir tous les événements

The BSP celebrates its 70th Anniversary in 2019. Much has changed in society, healthcare and dentistry since 1949, and we have progressed to what we believe is an evidence-based, science-driven model of patient management.

In keeping with the Society’s traditions, the topics at this meeting range from the use of new technologies for diagnosis, treatment planning and delivery of periodontal treatment, through cost-effectiveness and reasonable expectations of treatment (and what this means for clinician and patient) and the local, systemic and other impacts of some of the daily interventions we use in dentistry and medicine. We will even address whether we are in fact still using 70-year old strategies for the management of complications of the most modern restorative treatments.

The Annual General Meeting, Sir Wilfred Fish Research Prize and Section meetings will be held on the afternoon preceding the main conference.  We hope to address issues related to the future training options for periodontal practitioners in the UK, and the impact and teaching of the Disease Classification derived from the World Workshop and released in 2018, and how this relates to the BSP’s proposals for implementation in the UK in the Practitioners’ Section and Teachers’ Section meetings. All those attending the main conference are welcome to come to these meetings.

We hope to have a informative, useful and enjoyable meeting at the Grand Hotel in Brighton in April 2019.

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  • GU33 Liss


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